POV Cameras

From Gophercam to pokercams, Inertia Unlimited provides innovative POV cameras. We were one of the innovators, providing the hole card cameras at the 2003 World Series of Poker (WSOP) which by large measure started it all.

Robotic Cameras

Our Robotic cameras range from small cameras suitable for a confined booth to larger robos used with full size broadcast cameras. Many of our robos are sustomized to suit theindivifual setup of each show, where they are able to fit certains housings, or are RF controlled, over fiber or right around the corner.

X-Mo High Speed Cameras

X-Mo Blue is a streamlined, user friendly system created by Inertia Unlimited utilizing Vision Research’s Phantom series cameras. There are few major sporting events in the world which haven’t used the X-Mo system.

Custom Solutions

Don’t know what you need? Not sure whether it exists? Want a suggestion about a solution you might not be aware of? Contact us about a custom solution!

Everything we own is available for rent. In addition to cameras, recorders, robotics and the like, we will also build and modify equipment for a specific need.